To apply a Knowledge Segment to a new document, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Documents page on the left menu of your HyperComply account.
- Select the desired document, by searching, sorting, or scrolling.
- Click on the pencil icon to open the Edit menu
- Select a segment from the dropdown list(s). You can stack-select multiple segments.
- Click “Finished” to save your segment selection
How to edit segments in Bulk
- Select the documents you want to update by clicking on each of the file icons.
- Click on the 3 dots at the bottom of the page and click edit segments.
- You can also add new segments or apply existing values to your selection from here:
That’s it! The segment has now been applied to this document. If the document is mark as “Add to Knowledge Base”, applicable results from the document will only appear in search results if the same segment is applied.