Questionnaire Self-Import

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HyperComply's self-import function is a great option if you need help answering a questionnaire, but need it immediately and don't want to wait for your SLA and our expert QA teams' help. 

Please note that not all packages include self-import so if you do not see the option to utilize self-import then you should contact your CSM to discuss enablement options.


Self Import for .xlsx Files

To use self-import on Excel files, follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to the Questionnaire homepage in the app and select '+ New questionnaire'


2. Select 'Self-import file questionnaire' from the drop down menuNewSelf-Import.png

3. Add your desired file and select Next. Currently, HyperComply only accepts .xlsx and docx files - additional format options are coming soon.

4. Fill out the standard questionnaire information including the Name, Customer, Owner, Segments, etc. and select 'Submit'

5. You will then be taken to the self-import wizard where you will need to identify Question and Answer fields, in the same selection, from your file.

  • You can use Shift + Click to make your selection.

6. Once you've selected the fields that you want to import, it will automatically appear on the right panel

7. Click “Add selection” > will be added in the “Ready For Import” section

    • You can use the “c” key shortcut to add the selection

8. If you have multiple sheets/tabs, repeat Steps 6 and 7 after changing sheets using the drop-down button on the top right. Once done and you need to rearrange the ordering of the sheets for the final file, drag the sheets around in the Import wizard on the right.

9. If you want to preview what the questionnaire will look like in the HyperComply app, select the 'Preview questionnaire' button on the bottom right side of the panel.

10. If you are happy with the preview, select 'Yes, start autofill' on the bottom and then select 'Yes, continue' to move the questionnaire into autofill.


11. You'll then be taken to a page displaying the autofill progress. Autofill may take a few seconds to a few minutes depending on the length of the questionnaire. You do not need to remain on the page while it is in progress.


12. Once Autofill is complete you will proceed with the standard questionnaire review process.



Self Import for .docx Files

1. Navigate to the Questionnaire homepage in the app and select '+ New questionnaire'


2. Select 'Self-import file questionnaire' from the drop down menuNewSelf-Import.png

3. Add your desired file and select Next. Currently, HyperComply only accepts .xlsx and docx files - additional format options are coming soon.

4. Fill out the standard questionnaire information including the Name, Customer, Owner, Segments, etc. and select 'Submit'

5. You will be taken to the self-import wizard where your cursor will change to the Q cursor. This indicates that you need to select a question from the file.

  • You can edit question text in the question field after making a selection.

6. After making your Q selection, your cursor will change to A. This indicates that you need to select an answer placement from the file.

  • This is where the answer will be inputted once the questionnaire is exported.

  • You can add multiple answer placements if needed.

7. Click on “Add question” or use the c key as a shortcut to add your Q&A selection

  • Continue doing so until you've selected all the questions and answer placements.
  • On the right side panel, clicking on the Q or A icons can take you back to those selections if you need to make edits.

8. If you want to preview what the questionnaire will look like in the HyperComply app, select the 'Preview questionnaire' button on the bottom right side of the panel.

9. If you are happy with the preview, select 'Yes, start autofill' on the bottom and then select 'Yes, continue' to move the questionnaire into autofill.


10. You'll then be taken to a page displaying the autofill progress. Autofill may take a few seconds to a few minutes depending on the length of the questionnaire. You do not need to remain on the page while it is in progress.


11. Once Autofill is complete you will proceed with the standard questionnaire review process.


Note: We are still working on improvements to the self-import tool so that data can be selected within tables.

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